
In project 2 we are starting to prepare for UCAS as well as community music such as Jazz performances as a form of music therapy for older people and teaching instruments to younger people.

I have reviewed my feedback in project one to find areas of improvements for project 2.

For context one area i can improve on is to research the role of the stage manager in more depth and context and understand and give more information on it.

For research one area i can improve on is to understand and include more areas of research and apply them to make sure I can get information in many different ways.

For problem solving one area i can improve on is to document more on any problems i come across and how i resolve them if need be.

For planning and production one area i can improve on is plan in a bit more detail so everything on the night of the performance is more smooth and i can sort anything that goes wrong better and quicker.

For presentation one area i can improve on is to showcase more on what i’m going to do during and after the performance and just everything in general.

For evaluation and reflection one area i can improve on is to evaluate in more detail and reflect on it better by talking about more areas.