Initial Assessment

New Born by Muse

Why did I Choose this piece?

I chose this song because overall it is a world class song by a world class band with an amazing main riff and it has different quality of chords through out the song and has a cool tremolo guitar solo.

What was successful?

I thought overall I played it great and as well as doing it in one take. I thought I played the parts tightly and accurately and didn’t play any wrong notes.

What was unsuccessful?

Just before the solo I forgot to do the scratchy muted percusive bit so I missed a little bit of that. Also my guitar was slightly out of tune so I should’ve tuned better before I started.

What can I do to improve this?

Next time rehearse the whole thing a bit more so I don’t forget the littlest parts instead of rushing into it and also make sure my tone and tuning is perfect so it sounds even better.

I am really happy with the marks and comments from my initial assessment but i could potentially be even happier with everything being at least a shade of green.

Smart Targets –

1. Improve the tiny little details of learning/playing the guitar to make it 100% perfect.

2. Improve the way and quality of recording guitar like using better amps and guitars and use a DAW to record the guitar to make the audio better. Also use a better camera to even make the visuals better.

3. Improve the detail in evaluations and reflection by explaining in more detail and make it more understandable.