Final Evaluation

  • What methods did you use to maintain an ongoing evaluative and reflective approach?

Due to lack of time, I didn’t have or maintain an ongoing evaluation so i focused on evaluating and reflecting on key milestones such as, The recording of the 3 individual covers and the mixing of the 3 individual covers ect.

  • Rate the thoroughness of your evaluations.

I thought my evaluations for the whole project (excluding the graphic section) had the right amount of detail where there wasn’t too much that only i understood it but also not to little where is was out of context and i believe i talked about the what went successful and what didn’t and in detail on how i could improve if i did it agin even the tiniest of details. I think i could evaluated the graphics work more specifically talking about me being more creative with it which i originally planned it to be but other than that it was good and brief. Finally i believe that i explained why things didn’t go exactly to plan in great detail and the steps i could’ve taken (if i redid it) to make the final products more solid and the whole process more smooth and consistant. Reflecting and evaluating on everything helped identify my mistakes and problems which made it harder.

  • Rate your commitment to and engagement with the project.

I believe that i have been really committed and engaged to this project as i have spent and dedicated a lot of time on it and I love music so I’m always dedicated to anything music related.

  • What professional qualities have you demonstrated during this project?

I feel like as a musician i have shown skills and abilities to choose a song, learn it on every instrument needed and recorded and mixed it independently. I believe i have also shown a good understanding of music as i have learned all of these songs by ear and using all my musical knowledge. I also showed that i can adapt and work with the equipment given to me which isn’t all professional quality but i made the best with what i had. Ive also shown engineering and producing skills as i have used professional micing techniques and mixing techniques.

  • Discuss and assess the success of your final product/performance.

Overall i am personally satisfied with the final product but i believe it could’ve been better because i originally planned to do all the music including vocals but due to other distractions and time i wasn’t able to achieve my final goal but i am still happy with the final product. The reason i am personally satisfied is because i can still add vocals at home which will hopefully make it feel that more complete. I still believe that the final product is successful because i originally planned to do the covers instrumental in case of timing anyways so no vocals isn’t that important.

  • How would you improve this project if you were to undertake it again?

If i could redo this whole project i would first of all make sure i had 100% everything learned and rehearsed so when in the studio the whole process was much quicker which would in-able me to have more time which was the castalyst in the project. Secondly i would’ve created more time by trying to come in even more often than i already did and also not gone on the Italy project because it would’ve helped make my project more consistant and smoother. Thirdly (which is a tiny detail) i would’ve token a bit of time to learn and rehearse how to use side chain on compression like learn what it does? and how to use it? Lastly with all the extra time i would’ve gained i wouldn’t of rushed the whole recording part of the project, i would’ve been more creative when it came to the artwork side of things and would’ve of actually done vocals and overall just make sure the final products more solid and the process be really smooth and consistant.


I hope to be involved in music in someway whether its songwriting, recording, producing, performing (depting), engineering or being a instrument technician as it is my number 1 passion and i have been doing many different aspects of music for nearly 12 years and have quite a bit of experience with different roles and i believe i am a very creative, passionate and dedicated musician with an okay amount of talent for my age so in conclusion, as long as i am involved in music in some form i’ll be good.