Film Composition

What was successful?

I thought it was very successful as the music fit the track perfectly especially using the guitars to help transition from one scene to another.

What was unsuccessful?

I didn’t think there was anything that was unsuccessful the music did its job and it fits the film perfectly.

What could I improve?

I think I maybe could’ve experimented with the mixing side of things to make it that tiny bit better.

I started out with a foundation chord progression which consists of C-D-Em using a perfect tone which fit the mood of the film and its quiet a repetitive chord progression but with all the other parts it keeps them stable and feel natural.

Then I added some deep sub bass to make the chord progression fuller and fatter and used automation on the last note to let it fade out naturally.

Then I added 3 different guitar parts playing the same lick with the root lick, the 3rd harmony and an octave higher of the root lick which adds some tension to the scene.

Finally I mixed the song so it had a good balanced of every track and every track had its own job. I also added a ton of reverb to the guitars so they had an atmosphere and stood out more and made the tension which I wanted more visible.

What was successful?

I thought it was very good and the music fit the film very well and it sounds very good and also I used a technique called Mickey-mousing to emphasise the bird flying away which was a nice touch.

What was unsuccessful?

I didn’t think there was anything that was unsuccessful but I would say that the ending didn’t fit the scene very well as I made it very dramatic even though the actual scene wasn’t that dramatic.

What could I improve?

Next time I could focus more on the music fitting the film and not how good the actual soundtrack sounds as the ending of mine sounded fantastic but didn’t fit the film perfectly.

I started out with a reversed piano chord to bring the song in and add a dramatic atmosphere to the 1st chord of the song.

I the played the foundation chord progression which consists of Emadd9-C-Asus2 with the piano bass note instead of an actual bass to make it feel more natural.

I then added 3 notes on a glockenspiel to emphasise the bird flying away which is known as ‘mickey-mousing’.

Then I added an instrumental melody to stop the song from being boring and give it life.

At the end I added some choir using the Em harmonic scale to give it that dark sounding end with the added trailer FX to sort of add an explosion at the end for dramatic effect.

Finally I mixed the song so it had a good balanced of every track and every track had its own job. I used automation to reverse a piano chord to bring the song in and add a dramatic atmosphere to the 1st chord of the song.