Ethan Clark

For Ethan’s final project we both wrote and recorded a song together. He showed me a riff and a chord progression he wanted to use. Once I heard the little demo he made I re wrote the structure of it and re recorded his guitar parts so they sounded cleaner and tighter and then added a lot more guitar parts. Then added some bass then did some MIDI drums then used some cool FX’s Ethan found to start his song. Once all the instrumentation was done. He wrote a mess of lyrics and I organised them into (verse 1, chorus, verse 2, chorus). Then because Ashton couldn’t make it to college I sang and recorded the vocals. Then once I did that I mixed the song by putting some EQ, compression and reverb on the vocals and created some artwork for it which i found really cool and made sure nothing was muted or anything was clipping then i put it onto Soundcloud.