Acoustic Guitar

Once i had recorded the parts and it was 100% complete instrumental wise I then started to mix it. With this acoustic cover it really didn’t need a lot of mixing because i wanted it to have a unplugged live feel so i started off by adding a preset reverb which gave the acoustic a nice amount of reverb which gave the acoustic guitar a sound it needed to get that unplugged live sound.

Electric Guitar

Once I mixed the acoustic guitar i started to mix the electric guitar which needed the tiniest bit more attention. I started off by using the same preset reverb because if I used different reverbs it wouldn’t blend as well together and just would get rid of the whole sound i was trying to recreate. I then added a preset flanger which sounded great and was exactly what i was looking for and automated it to come in for the solo section between the bridge and final chorus. Once i mixed the guitar’s parts and was happy with it, I sorted the volumes out so it had a nice balance and nothing was clipping or too quiet and then bounced it and released it.