Acoustic Guitar

99 was the first song that i started to record so after i learned the song’s parts and did the planning and preparation for my project I started to think about recording acoustic guitar. To record the acoustic guitar i could’ve either mic’d it up or DI’d it using the acoustics pickup so i chose to DI it because i personally think the sound is much nicer and richer obviously depending on the guitar and pickup. Once it was set up and gain levels were set I recorded the rhythm guitar for the song and it went really well and there was no problems and did it in one or two takes.

Electric Guitar

Once i recorded the acoustic guitar i needed to record the leads parts on electric guitar. Using a Shure SM57 and a Groove Tube GT55 i mic’d up a Fender Champion 100 with my clean tone settings to get the sound i wanted and needed. I placed the Shure SM57 3″ away from the end of the cone which gave some low-end. I then placed the Groove Tube GT55 3″ away from the centre of the speaker which gave it its main volume sound and gave all mids and hi-end but I had to use a Strat styled Pacifica to record the song’s parts because the squire I wanted to use was broken but the benefit was that it was the closet thing to the squire. Once i was set up and gain levels were set i recorded the lead parts which was quite a quick process to because i learned them before hand and knew the song inside out anyways so i competed that in a couple of takes.