The TRN (The Rainbow News) or TRR(The Rainbow Reporters)
I wanna make a positive and supportive article about trans people and support them, so questions i would like to ask to people can be like
- If your best friend comes out as trans would you support them?
- If a friend or family member of yours is trans were to get discriminated, How would you react?
- How would you support a trans person?
- From 1 to 10 how much of a trans ally are you?
I made the logo using the following website.
- Do you support trans people? and why?
- would you help a trans person to feel more safe being themselves?
- If your best friend comes out as trans would you support them?
- If a friend or family member of yours is trans were to get discriminated, How would you react?
- How would you support a trans person?
- From 1 to 10 how much of a trans ally are you?
- do you feel safe in Bradford?
- do you thin there is a safe environment for trans people in Bradford? and why?
- did you knew that ,Seven in ten trans people (70%) report being impacted by transphobia when accessing general health services , how do you feel about that?
From the LGBTQ+ community the most targeted group is trans people, so I want to create awareness and make people more supportive and aware of the situation or their own belief which sometimes can be misunderstanding’s or misinformation , so I made this article to support the community and show them that there is a lot of good people as well, if you’re scared or insecure about being yourself, i wanna show some demographics to people who don’t take transphobia seriously, or might think is not that big of a issue,
“In 2020/2021, 2,630 Hate Crimes against transgender people were recorded by the Police, an increase of 16% from the previous year (Home Office, 2021). This number is still severely underreported because out of 108,100 responses to the National LGBT Survey, 88% of transgender people did not report the most serious type of incident. 48% of transgender people were not satisfied with the Police response after reporting the most serious types of incidents.”
- “One in eight LGBT people (13%) have experienced some form of unequal treatment from healthcare staff because they’re LGBT.
- Almost one in four LGBT people (23%) have witnessed discriminatory or negative remarks against LGBT people by healthcare staff.
- One in seven LGBT people (14%) have avoided treatment for fear of discrimination because they’re LGBT.
- Seven in ten trans people (70%) report being impacted by transphobia when accessing general health services.
- Nearly half of trans people (45%) said that their GP did not have a good understanding of their needs as a trans person, rising to over half of non-binary people (55%).
- 90% of trans people reported experiencing delays when seeking transition-related healthcare.
- Trans people of colour also experienced transphobia from trans-specific healthcare providers at more than double the rate of white respondents (13% compared to 6%)”
“Taken from LGBT in Britain: Health (2018) and TransActual Trans Lives Survey (2021).”
It always shock me that trans people, LBTQ+ or women always go through much more. discrimination than what we can imagine sometimes even if you’re part of it, or you can get discriminated it still affects a lot more people then what one might think, he demographics are the closest thing that can show us how much of a percentage there is of any thing related to any issue or topic and situation that has happened or is happening around the world, but sadly topics like this that are about discrimination towards any group or gender, there is always more than the demographics show, a lot of people are scared to talk about their story or about any microagression that they suffered, people tend to ignore it and that leads to this situation where the demographics don’t show the exact number or percentage of transphobia in this case but its also can be said for sexism LGBTQ-phobia or racism.
The big majority of trans people when they’re thinking about coming out, or being themselves openly outside their homes or safe space they can get to feel scared or intimidated by other people, I talked about the discrimination and transphobia, but now I want to talk about all the positive and supportive people we have around you, and I want to ask some questions to the people in the streets and to Students of Bradford College, to prove and show that you’re safe being yourself openly around some people.
there is a lot of discrimination towards trans people, even in the smallest things, people feel like they can judge other people for no reason, or using religion, which is something personal, and no religion says to hate anyone because of ho they’re, and in general religion shouldn’t be used as a weapon or to cause any pain to anyone, from using the toilet which is something basic and normal to use their own voice in public, they face a lot more issues and micro-discrimination then what we think, or we can imagine, so by this article I want to create some awareness for schools\colleges\ +university’s and support the trans community.
In the interviews we can see people supporting the trans youth, these people i interviewed were students from Bradford College, asked them some basic questions about trans people and if they support them, which I received a very positive response from, this interviews were made to support trans people, I got different type of people to get different opinions about how people would support trans people, and if the would, what I intended to do by this article and interviews is to make trans people feel supported and help them feel like there is good people out there that do understand them and support them.
Stop Hate UK (2021). Transgender Hate. [online] Stop Hate UK. Available at:
Stonewall (2016). LGBTQ+ facts and figures. [online] Stonewall. Available at: