Ideas for the Advertising-Task 1

My idea 

Who I am working with: Honor, Danyal 

What is the product? 

Is a axe and is bout that 

Who am I advertising this product to? (target audience)   

Or target audience are kids  

Which social media platform will my advert play on? And why? 

The platform we choose its TikTok we decide to go for this social media app because is the most popular among kids and teenagers and is very popular.   

What messages will my advert be communicating to the audience? 

I plan to use video and sound techniques to communicate these

messages to my audience:   

By adding something catchy and quick to not lose the attention of the audience   

I was inspired to use these techniques by:  Some viral adds we saw on the internet.  

Both videos are vastly different type of ads we did wanted to do something different but   

Some of the other ideas from my group were: self-defence weapon, walking stick, toy, decoration, 

I found the process of idea development easy/ok/difficult because: 

Okay but also a little bit difficult at times because we had to choose one thing and we all had different ideas.