Podcast-Script-Task 2

Starting talking about the podcast and what it is about.

LGBTQ+ phobia

Hi, welcome lady’s n gentleman and non binary people welcome to TRP The Rainbow Podcast, my Name is Azan and Im gonna be presenting this podcast, this podcast is going to be focused on the LGBTQ+ and is directed for all type of audience if you’re an old man or if you’re a kid it doesn’t matter because its for everyone to learn something and be more aware of various things like Homophobia, Transphobia or Biphobia.

Why I decided to do this \ and why think is important

I decided to talk about this because its something that affects a lot of people, like myself, and none talks about it, everyone that is part of the LGBTQ at some point they have to hide themselves because of fear, and sadly sometimes to be safe, and it feels horrible too hide yourself to be safe its something that hurts a lot, the feeling of that you can’t be yourself, hurts lot and creates many insecurities and traumas for people that are part of the LGBTQ+ . there is many more reasons, and thats why I choose to make a podcast about LGBTQ+.

And after saying that, I would like to start this Podcast by mentioning about all the percentages of Hate crimes in the UK. for those who think that this is irrelevant.

  • One in five LGBT people have experienced a hate crime or incident because of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity in the last 12 months 
  • Two in five trans people have experienced a hate crime or incident because of their gender identity in the last 12 months 

and you will think that thats still not a very big number or quantity, but

  • Four in five anti-LGBT hate crimes and incidents go unreported, with younger LGBT people particularly reluctant to go to the police

four in five


I took this information from a trustful source stonewall, going back to the topic, the majority of people that experience a Hate crime don’t report it because they’re are used to that or they’re scared of it, sadly Hate crimes are a more common than you think, and if you still not believe in this, because you didn’t see any or you don’t feel like his is a actual serious issue it may be because you’re a straight man soo you can’t see or feel how homophobic is the environment you are in… sometimes, some people just don’t want to see the reality some don’t want to accept it and some just can’t see it.

  • One in 10 LGBT people (10 per cent) who were looking for a house or flat to rent or buy in the last year were discriminated against because of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity
  • One in six LGBT people (17 per cent) who visited a café, restaurant, bar or nightclub in the last 12 months have been discriminated against based on their sexual orientation and/or gender identity
  • One in four black, Asian and minority ethnic LGBT people (24 per cent) accessing social services in the last year have been discriminated against because of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity
  • Almost three in 10 LGBT people (28 per cent) who visited a faith service or place of worship in the past 12 months experienced discrimination
  • One in ten LGBT people (10 per cent) who attended a live sporting event in the last year experienced discrimination because of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity

and not just that this week in the state of Colorado in United States, a man entered a gay night club with a gun killing at least five people and injuring 25 others, this happened in the Transgender Day of Remembrance. the report says

A 22-year-old gunman entered an LGBTQ nightclub in Colorado Springs, Colorado, just before midnight Saturday and immediately opened fire, killing at least five people and injuring 25 others, before patrons confronted and stopped him, police said Sunday.

The suspect in the shooting at Club Q was identified as Anderson Lee Aldrich, according to Colorado Springs Police Chief Adrian Vasquez. He used a long rifle in the shooting, and two firearms were found at the scene, Vasquez said.


At least two people inside the club confronted and fought the gunman and prevented further violence, Vasquez said. “We owe them a great debt of thanks,” he said.

Police said they were investigating whether the attack was a hate crime and noted Club Q’s relationship with the LGBTQ community.

“Club Q is a safe haven for our LGBTQ citizens,” Vasquez said. “Every citizen has a right to feel safe and secure in our city, to go about our beautiful city without fear of being harmed or treated poorly.”

The gunman was the grandson of MAGA Republican representative Randy Voepel, some people that use media and their power to create hate towards the LGBTQ+ justifying their words and their LGBTQphobia with religion, and religion shouldn’t be used to create hate towards no one, people now days misunderstand religion and force their beliefs in other people, religion should be about peace, tolerance, and love,

but, as I said Sadly people don’t understand this and they use their religion to spread hate and thats something that costs peoples life’s, and it affects to a lot of people and not just people that are part of the LGBTQ+ also to non religious people or people that don’t believe their same religion, this is something that happens a lot and it will still happen because of all the hate that the news, society, and religion create, you solve nothing with doing something like this and definitely this is not gonna make us “change “, Being part of the LGBTQ+ is not something that we choose or something that you can change, because you’re born this way, and is something that we can’t change, and we shouldn’t feel like “I have to change” everyone should have the right to feel safe and be themselves in everywhere, People shouldn’t get in other peoples life to judge them, no religion or culture says that, so people should stop using religion to justify your ignorance and hate towards the LGBTQ+ community, everyone should feel safe everywhere and should have the right to be themselves, and religion is not religion if you use it to spread hate or hurt someone lets be more open minded and tolerant to everyone, because this wld is too big for you to be close minded, and also too make our world safe for everyone,

thank you I hope this helped you too understand better the situation in our planet, and my intentions were not to be disrespectful to any religion, just wanted to say that keep your beliefs to yourself.

thank you very much to listen to me, my name is Azan Ali Iqbal and this was TRP The Rainbow Podcast.


