Final Project(4)-Script

I’ll do bullet points because it can be easier to read and sounds more natural

  • (The intro) Welcome ladyes and gentleman and non binary people welcome back to the TRP The Rainbow Podcast My name is Azan and I’m your host as always
  • And todays topic is gonna bee! music and how it affects to mental health(O Haseena Zulfonwalle)
  • I think is something very important and people don’t realise about it, and its something that everyone should be aware of because mental health is a priority
    • and the reason I decided to talk about this is,
    • An estimated 31.9% of adolescents had any anxiety disorder, an estimated 8.3% had severe impairment.
    • 61% of employees aged 16-24 are experiencing symptoms of depression, which is the highest out of all age groups.
  • and yeah I think thats enough reason to talk about this,
  • Personally music was something that helped me a lot
  • Therapist and physiologists recommend to listen to happy music, and classic music
  • read demomghrapics
  • ■”Music can be distracting and lower your (Fur Elise) stress – :~:text=Our favorite melodies release dopamine,energize us for the day.
  • In fact, research has shown that it can lessen the impact of depression and anxiety. A study done in 2019 found that college students who listened to classical music every day for two months lowered their levels of anxiety significantly”
  • ■It can also reduce heart rate, lower blood pressure, decrease cortisol (stress hormone) levels and increase serotonin and endorphin levels in the blood. It elevates mood. Music can boost the brain’s production of the hormone dopamine. This increased dopamine production helps relieve feelings of anxiety and depression
  • ■Our favorite melodies release dopamine, known as the feel-good hormone, which activates our brain’s pleasure and reward system. Music can have a positive, immediate impact on our mental state; fast tempos can psychologically and physiologically arouse us, helping energize us for the day.
  • So yeah I’m not on something I didn’t take nothing before recording this, music really does affect your mental health a lot and it can help you a lot more than what you think
  • And I believe that talking about my own experience with it can help a lot of people like it did help me a lot, because nowadays people are very affected by depression or anxiety or they have some symptoms of it,
  • difficult to find motivation
  • Listening sad songs don’t help, sorry to break it to you, you, and the person in the corner it doesn’t make you cool, Dont act depressed to be “cool” because is not, people are actually ending themselves because of how bd is their mental health
  • Well I think is enough for today, thanks for watching and remember to keep listening to happy music and keep smiling, Im your host Azan Iqbal and This was the TRP The Rainbow Podcast
  • (What is mobile number to finish)

thanks for listening this was your favourite podcast The TRP The Rainbow Podcast and I’m your host the one and only sexy but vulnerable Azan Iqbal,stay happy and keep smiling.


Podcast In Progress