When it came to recording i made the chord progression with Thomas Hall on a C.bechstein Piano. We set it up so that the piano had a mic on it. the mic was a AT4041 Cardioid Condenser Mic, It was stationed right above the Piano by my head. it didn’t pick up any other noises but the piano thankfully so it was a pretty clean recording.
It was a rather basic progression. E F A G
I don’t particularly know what tom did on his section of the song, so i cant document about it
we recorded it using a mixing table
I think the chord progression was good. I enjoyed varying it up each time. so it sounded the same. but at the same time different. then the other progressions. however my timing was off a few times when filming. i think i could work on that. and i think tom could work on the main melody a bit more. i feel like at times it really conflicted with the progression