first when i booted up the track. i opened up the mixer and started playing around with the volumes of all the instruments. i moved the guitars down in volume cause they kinda took over the whole track. i made sure the vocals were up too
Looking back on it. i could have applied some automation
i messed around with the EQ a bit to get some specific points of interest that i couldn’t reach by just turning the dials. in some of these EQ’s i used the high pass filter. mainly on the drums to help even it out with the rest of the song
Panning is where you can decide what location an instrument is played from. for example if you pan an instrument to the left. it plays on the left of the room/ screen. if you were wearing headphones it would play on the left ear.
I added a reverb plugin to the vocals. make it sound more authentic. like it was in an actual hall.