Ideas and Proposal

The idea is to attempt a mashup of Happier by Marshmello and Bastille its nowhere near finished. however i think with a bit of editing and tweaking i can make this sound way better then before

I plan to do covers for my final project. Specifically, three (technically 4) songs Santeria Paint It Black Sunflower MASHUP with Happier   I haven’t got much of an idea of what im really doing entirely. However, I do know that im going to be playing piano for nearly all of them. Not just singing or mixing. I may possibly use an ocarina too. However, im not too sure if I will.  I plan to export the songs in OGG format as it sounds clearer and takes up less space. Im going to be recording these songs, not performing them live. I plan to sing on my own
What research will you do and how will you apply it to your project?   I’ve already planned all my research. I’ve been practicing at home and have learned most parts of each. The only real research I need to do really is to research Ableton and logic a bit. As I am still figuring out some more settings like reverb and distortion. Apart from that everything should be golden.