Introduction to my Final Major Project

To begin my FMP I was told that it would be a good idea to take stock of my strengths and weaknesses to help me decide on a project.

I took a personality test online and found out that I am a ‘Virtuoso’ personality type.

Virtuoso Personality type from

Virtuoso Strengths

Virtuoso (ISTP) strengths
  • Optimistic and Energetic – Virtuosos are usually up to their elbows in some project or other. Cheerful and good-natured, people with the Virtuoso personality type (especially Assertive ones) rarely get stressed out, preferring to go with the flow.

I agree with this because I do occasionally get stressed about work deadlines and how to do things efficiently.

  • Creative and Practical – Virtuosos are very imaginative when it comes to practical things, mechanics, and crafts. Novel ideas come easily, and they love using their hands to put them into action.

I agree with this because I am able to come up with interesting ideas however I struggle to bring those ideas to reality.

  • Spontaneous and Rational – Combining spontaneity with logic, Virtuosos can switch mindsets to fit new situations with little effort, making them flexible and versatile individuals.

I agree with this because I am a creative individual, I would like to do something creative for my FMP.

  • Know How to Prioritise – This flexibility comes with some unpredictability, but Virtuoso personalities are able to store their spontaneity for a rainy day, releasing their energy just when it’s needed most.

I do not agree with this because I am not organised and get distracted easily.

  • Great in a Crisis – With all this hands-on creativity and spontaneity, it’s no wonder that Virtuosos are naturals in crisis situations. People with this personality type usually enjoy a little physical risk, and they aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty when the situation calls for it.

I have never personally experienced a crisis so I am not sure about this one.

  • Relaxed – Through all this, Virtuosos are able to stay quite relaxed. They live in the moment and go with the flow, refusing to worry too much about the future.

I agree with this because I feel quite relaxed most of the time and I don’t like to worry, life’s too short.

Virtuoso Weaknesses

Virtuoso (ISTP) weaknesses
  • Stubborn – As easily as Virtuosos go with the flow, they can also ignore it entirely, and usually move in another direction with little apology or sensitivity. If someone tries to change Virtuosos’ habits, lifestyle or ideas through criticism, they can become quite blunt in their irritation.

People tell me this is true…

  • Insensitive – Virtuosos use logic, and even when they try to meet others halfway with empathy and emotional sensitivity, it rarely seems to quite come out right, if anything is even said at all.

This one seems a bit harsh.

  • Private and Reserved – Virtuoso personalities are notoriously difficult to get to know. They are true introverts, keeping their personal matters to themselves, and often just prefer silence to small talk.

I am an introvert, I like to listen to music while I work rather than talk most of the time.

  • Easily Bored – Virtuosos enjoy novelty, which makes them excellent tinkerers, but much less reliable when it comes to focusing on things long-term. Once something is understood, Virtuosos tend to simply move on to something new and more interesting.

This is me.

  • Dislike Commitment – Long-term commitments are particularly onerous for Virtuosos. They prefer to take things day-by-day, and the feeling of being locked into something for a long time is downright oppressive. This can be a particular challenge in Virtuosos’ romantic relationships.

I do take things one day at a time.

  • Risky Behavior – This stubbornness, difficulty with others’ emotions, focus on the moment, and easy boredom can lead to unnecessary and unhelpful boundary-pushing, just for fun. Virtuosos have been known to escalate conflict and danger just to see where it goes, something that can have disastrous consequences for everyone around if they lose control of the situation.

Not really.

So it seems that I really am a Virtuoso although I am not sure what this means for my FMP. I do want to do a creative project which involves drawing which is one of my main skills.

I also completed a ‘skills audit’ to see what my skills are, to help me make a decision.

From this audit I decided that my main skills are as an artist creating images with my digital art tablet. I came up with some possible ideas for projects where I would take this role.

For each idea I did a SWOT analysis to check if they were doable. If there are more S + O than W + T then it means the idea is realistic and good.

Eventually I decided not to do any of these ideas as you will see later.

Three additional alternative ideas I have explored.

Idea 1

I was thinking of joining Logan and Morgan’s animal rescue game project.

pros of this idea:

  • I can work with a team
  • I can do animations


  • I struggle to focus
  • I struggle with commitment (as it says in the virtuoso personality type)

Idea 2

I was also thinking of starting my own equine comic.


  • I have skills in drawing equine anatomy
  • I am able to come up with an interesting storyline


  • drawing consistent anatomy is difficult
  • I struggle to write stories

Idea 3

I could have started my own fantasy game


  • I can draw characters
  • I can make backgrounds
  • I can make character sheets


  • time
  • work corruptions
  • motivation

Which Idea did I decide to do?

I decided to go with the Equine comic idea after all, the reason for this is that it involves my strengths of drawing and equine anatomy and will not be too ambitious. I think the game ideas would have been too overwhelming for me to do alone. A comic is something I can work on by myself in class and do one panel at a time and this fits more with my Virtuoso personality type and the skills I have.