Reflective Journal

26 april 2023

today i have reviewed my storyboard and made changes where needed due to minor adjustments i have made throughout the project, such as making the first chapter instead of the entire comic due to time restraints and art block interfering with drawing progress.

My storyboard is designed to help me plan out , form and remember the order of my comic, how things happen, when different events happen and how the characters react. I think it is effective because doing this helped me to keep things coherent and understandable for both myself and my audience. The storyboard will help me make the comic by keeping the storyline cohesive and not letting it become confusing or allowing me to forget the sequence of events by getting distracted by other potential scenarios.

I chose to focus on making just the first chapter because drawing the panels and deciding on the layout took more time then i originally thought, causing me to loose the time needed to make a full comic. The reason I was low on time was because of both personal issues regarding mental health and the previously mentioned layout struggles along this outside influences occasionally causing distractions such as friends I am unable to talk to much have a rare moment of free time for use to interact.

The problem with art block was that it caused me to be unable to find the motivation need for me to draw without despising every line on my screen and generally just focus on the task of getting anatomy and proportions correct. I overcame this problem by taking a short break of trying to draw and distancing myself by doing other tasks or simply taking time to unwind and relax before returning to drawing, while i still had art block it was to a lesser extent and i was able to get some more work done.

Self-care is important for a creative person because the feeling of emptiness and dissociating can be counter productive and cause a decline in overall health which would lead to even less productiveness and potentially cause a cycle or spiral of worsening mental health. this tends to lead to a full stop of motivation and productiveness causing even more stress and furthering the decline of mental health. this is why self-care is important as it can help to prevent and occasionally stop the decline for some time.

I read this article and this made me think about how i can improve on my own self-care and look after myself in a better way.