Project 4 Evaluation

Did i meet my goals:

I believe I met most of my goals aside from colouring and shading most of my panels, however the quality of each drawing is at my standards. My initial aims were to design characters and create a story. I really enjoyed drawing on my Ipad using the Procreate app. I wanted to use this project to work on my drawing skills, specifically my anatomy skills. However I wasn’t able to complete everything in the time I had because my project was too ambitious.

Did i make any changes:

Initially I wanted to create a comic but due to time restraints I kept it to character design. This was my main focus because I find drawing enjoyable and calming. Creating a story took away the time I needed for character design.

Is this work an accurate reflection of my skills:

Over the last 2 years I have developed my skills on Procreate. I have developed my creative process which involves forming steps:

  1. sketching – messy
  2. sketching – refinement
  3. fine line-art
  4. colours and colour blending
  5. final details

What would i do differently:

I would consider different ways to present my characters. They could have been printed off onto a large poster, or made it social media posts. My designs are based on fantasy creatures, and these could be shared with an audience who like these types of artworks. I am inspired by the artwork shared on Discord, and I will share my character designs on this platform. My Discord account involves a community of artists where we share our work and help each other on our sketches.

How does my work compare to my professional research:

My art-style is heavily inspired by Blits Azalis Dash on YouTube, because of this my artwork looks very similar to theirs. For example i recently started to draw the feathers on wings in a similar style to them. i share my work on discord as this is where the majority of my target audience will see my work. this is similar to Blits as they also reach their audience through online channels.

Does my work appeal to my target audience:

I showed my work to some friends to get their opinions and the main points of interests were the vibrant colours and the details made them realise how much work goes into the art and why it takes so long to complete.

Is this an accurate reflection of my skills:

I am happy with my work, however, if had more time I would’ve been able to finish colouring the panels, add more detail and shade them all, this would’ve made my work better and have been closer to what I originally planned.


Overall the work I have done for this project is meaningful to me because it has helped me to grow and develop my skills in anatomy, colouring and shading. I mostly enjoy drawing the eyes as that is where I can get the most detail in.

What I would like to do next is practise drawing different species and poses with more dynamic lighting. I may eventually finish the comic but I do not see it happening any time soon as I would like to move onto other subjects.

I confirm that the attached assessment is all my own work and does not include any work completed by anyone other than myself and sources have been appropriately referenced.