rehearsal videos

we was able to get through the whole song not as tight and as complete as should be, but it was good considering we had an hour on it, what to improve on for me personally, is to learn the structure of the song, as I lost it a few times, this can be improved upon by listening to the song at home and learning it better. The beat was also shaky at times, yet will get better with practice, it would be even better if I could vary the beat at times in the different sections of the song, but that something that may happen when I’m comfortable with the structure.

What went well is how quick as a band we’ve learned the songs. We’ve all learning faster, and playing tighter than we was in the previous year. For me personally I can play each of my parts, but its just the structures of each song which is the main focus for me to work on, I need to remember where the stops are and where the bridges come in. it could be even better if I could vary my parts in the songs by playing lighter or being more confident by hitting the drums harder when needed. How I could make these improvements is mainly by listening back to the rehearsals, even though I cant practice them at home anymore, I can still listen to them, and then play on a practice pad, and get a feel for the stops and bridges.

for this specific bridge it was quite easy for me to do , it was just a simple 8 bar beat, which I never really had a problem with playing or stopping into.

This song in the end ended up being simple for me to get the structure right, but there was a few shaky moments you can see me being hesitant to keep playing because I didn’t know where the stops where exactly, again the structure was the main issue, but the bridge was the confident part for me because I actually knew where it was. To improve however, again as with every song is watch these back and remember the structure.

In air catcher the structure was a big problem, as I wasn’t playing the fills from the original song, so I was playing the main beat a little longer than needed, and kept forgetting I was doing it, as well going back into hi hat beat I was hesitant because I knew there was something I had missed, I had also messed up the position of the second stop as well as going into the bridge. overall it was okay, I could play my parts, and as a band it sounded good.

For feeling good , the parts I was playing were no problem, thats the same with every song, but for this I was just very shakey when it came towards the ending, I didn’t have a clue what I was meant to play, and was completely lost, it ended up being an easy fix as all I had to do was keep playing the same thing and wait for the little crescendo part to finish it off.

again structure, I missed the part where I drop out, and came in too early, and for the second drop out I would of missed that too if it wasn’t for nick pointing it out, the breakdown was also a little shakey but was fine, and for the rest off the song it was good , I was able to sustain the beat and keep in time for everyone.

overall for all of the songs it was mainly structure to get right, in every song it wasn’t the actual piece to play it was the order in which to play. To improve a slight bit I learned a technique for drummers to easily learn the structure of most songs buy counting the bars and differentiating whether the bars were a verse, chorus, breakdown or bridge etc, which helped me understand the songs a little more.