Final Performance and Reflection

Probably our best performance overall. As a group it sounded very good, aspecially since we didn’t have all the time in the world, plus taking in account for nerves and the pressure of being first in the whole show. With that in mind, we had no major mistakes, non noticeable to me that is, plus everybody kept in time and singers knew where there where in the songs, maybe the only thing that would of made it a better performance as a group, is a little more movement, and looking up at the crowd , me included aswell, as that would of made us look that little bit better, apposed to looking shy and like we don’t want to be there. But for me indervidually , it was probably the best I’ve played it, I only missed one fill during californiacation which probably wasn’t noticeable to almost everyone. Other than that , it was completely fine , I didn’t miss changes and I remembered the structure of the songs which throughout the project has been my main goal to learn, and looking back now how I would improve my performance is ad some flair to the songs , there were many small gaps throughout where I could of done something or played a more full beat or fill , but this is just me, it’s not really that important, but it’s a small personal improvement for future, But in the end, I thought it was a very good conclusion to the project for everyone.