Final extended project proposal

Candidate Name – Blake kimberley
Candidate Number – 10638681
Pathway – level 3 extended music performance and production
Project Title
Section 1: Context (approx. 300 words)
Thoughout this course I’ve closely stuck with production, I found I enjoyed it much more than anything else I’d done, and before this course I had very little experience with production software. Over time I’ve improved and learned to use the software better, and would like to create a track with the knowledge and skills I have amassed over my time on this course.

What I want to do for my final project is create an Aphex twin inspired electronic / IDM single track on Ableton, using new production techniques that I have learnt over this past year, incorporate challenging methods of production such as synthesiser programmes and drum replacement, to create a track better than I’ve previously created. I want to do it ‘Better’, in the sense that I’m happy with how I’ve planned and executed every decision, I want the track to correctly fit what I want, and not to veer of into a genre of its own like the first project. Creating only 1 track will have a draw back of less content, but will allow me to put in maximum effort to try and achieve my goal.

The reason I’m choosing this project, is I wasn’t happy with the outcome of last years project. I didn’t like how it turned out and there’s many thing I know I would have changed or done differently. However, this project is more for me to improve upon what I already know and grow my knowledge in how other musicians produce, what software and hardware they use, and how they use them. I want to research into my favourite musicians and hone my productions skills to create tracks closer to what I like listening too, meanwhile trying to replicate some of their production methods.
Section 2: Research (approx. 50 words)
when it comes to researching my artists, I’ll first start by searching for videos and documentary’s such as a BBC radio 4 documentary ‘The cult of Aphex twin’ to research into Richard D James. Additionally I need to look into other electronic artists which most information can be gathered through online videos, and can be listened to on music streaming platforms and other such documentary’s. furthermore I’ll need information on drumming and synthesis which can be found on many YouTube channels such a ‘drumeo’ a popular drum lesson channel, and articles on websites explaining synthesis.

For my primary research, this will come in a form of an interview type video with my drum tutor. I’ll ask him about his experience with drum replacement, the benefits of it and the downsides of using it. I could ask him to teach me some drum rhythms and get him to show me some different techniques, which I can then perform and record. In addition to that, I will ask him for tips on recording drums, different ways to record and what has worked best for him.

I will primarily do my research within the first week or two within my plan ascwell as additional research throughout my project on a case by case basis.
Section 3: Problem solving (approx. 100 words)
 Major problems I will face during my project will come in the form of the risk of irreparable ear damage. When creating my track , I’ll have to listen to it at a higher volume to rectify bass response and balance out the track. due to the longevity of which I’ll have to listen to my track at a high volume, there is a major risk to my ears. To address this issue, I’ll have to simply take regular breaks. These breaks will also accommodate the help of other issues that may occur. Since 95 percent of my project is sitting at a desk on a computer, eye strain can cause an issue, so again breaks and the use of a blue light filter will help mitigate the problems I’ll face.
Section 4: Planning and production (approx. 50 words)
when planning my process there’s nothing much that can hinder progress, I have everything available at home to produce my track, the only thing I can’t do is record, so I’m planning on doing that as early as possible in my plan to get it out of the way and done so I don’t get involved in any overlapping with any other students.

For my first week I will primarily do research , I’ll be researching artwork, drumming , drum replacement, synthesisers, Apex twin and other artists swell as production techniques. Furthermore in this first week or two I would like to film my short interview with Simon (drum tutor) to get him views on drum replacement , tips on recording drums and have him teach me some drum n bass type rhythms.

For my second and third week I would like to have nearly all of my research done to get ready for production, I ideally would like to record the drums in these weeks to then begin manipulating them on Ableton.

The following weeks will all be production, I will hopefully in these weeks have learned to use the synth software better, and have my 3 main parts with the synthesiser (bass, lead , chords) done, and have them to a good standard, as well as have a solid structure to my track, by this time I have to have my track in a good state to where its close to been done where all I have to do is tweak automations and add small parts here and there.

Within these weeks at college I will hopefully create my art work. Through the weeks I will research different artworks by my aspiring artists and create my own to accompany my track when its released

Towards the end off the weeks I’ll be mixing my track and mastering getting it ready to be packaged together with my artwork and have it uploaded onto Soundcloud.

Section 5: Practical skills (approx. 100 words)
 My project will contain many different practical elements , the main three are producing the track , playing the drums, and recording the drums.

I’ll start by playing playing the drums, which will use my many years of learning the instrument to play some rhythms to a click, and get it as good as possible to make it easier for myself to experiment with them, I don’t have to put much time into learning what I’ll play because I can play a lot of beats by ear, but I won’t let arrogance stop me from learning more.

Recording the drums will take a lot of practical skills. knowing what microphones to use it going to be a big part of it, I already have a good idea on what to use, but its how to use it where the practical skills come into play , this is where I’ll be getting advice form the drum instructor on lewis on where’s the best place to place the microphones and what other methods of recording will be best for what I want.

Producing the track will collate my past years experience of experimentation on Ableton, which will allow me to make a better overall experience for myself but also the track itself.
Section 6: Evaluation and reflection (approx. 100 words)
 Considering the work I’m going to be doing, I’m going to try to screen record my production then talk over my process, say what I’m doing, what went well what’s gone wrong, and how to improve upon what I’ve done. I’ll also be taking regular screen shots, and annotate them to show what I’ve done. I’ll still be including written evaluations as I find that to be the easiest was for people to understand what point you’re trying to get across.

I’ll be evaluating each significant production element eg; when I experiment with one specific thing or when I finish making a part, as well as evaluating specific milestone eg; when I’ve finished recording the drums or when I’ve finished creating my modular synth part.
Section 7: Presentation (approx. 100 words)
 In this project I’m going to try add a lot my screenshots for a visual effort to look better, I want to as well add some colours and maybe even some simple videos of my production

The project however will be laid out in a chronological order, I’ll have a page from start to finish with all my processes and evaluations in an orderly fashion whereas my research will be in its own tab, similarly to how I organised last years project.
Proposed Research Sources and Bibliography (Harvard Format)                 
 Doran, J. (2018) The cult of Aphex Twin – music writer John Doran ventures into the Strange World of richard D jamesYouTube. YouTube. Available at: (Accessed: February 21, 2023). 

BBC (2013) Aphex Twin ( interview ) on BBC Radio 3 mixing itYouTube. YouTube. Available at: (Accessed: February 21, 2023). 

CDM (2015) How oscillot is the smartest way to put a modular in AbletonCDM Create Digital Music. Available at: (Accessed: February 21, 2023). 

sonora, cultura (2023) What is a synthesizer and the 5 best options on the marketCultura Sonora. Available at: (Accessed: February 21, 2023). 

stranjah (2021) Most popular drum patterns | drum and bass 2021 tutorialYouTube. YouTube. Available at: (Accessed: February 21, 2023).