
For the final performance I had a much better grip on the structures of the songs, in the first song I nearly messed up the structure going into the breakdown but was able to keep it going, other that small mistake, hall of fame was quite clean. To make it better is to listen to it back and learn the structure.

For air catcher the biggest mistake was we played it was too fast which was never addressed so we never really sorted it out, however it hadn’t really hindered performance if anything I think it sounds better faster. The structure for me personally was maybe the best I had played it, there was no mistakes and I hit every stop and breakdown when I should of, and the obvious way to make it better is actually play to the original speed, as Leoni complained about it.

For feeling good the structure was near enough perfect , the whole band had it quite tight and for me there was no mistakes , to improve is to maybe in future I could add fills and vary the ending like the original.

For adventure of a lifetime I remembered where to stop which was a massive improvement on the practices where id stop and not have a clue where I was in the song.

From the rehearsal the biggest improvement overall was my confidence in structure , its being the hardest challenge to overcome, and was the main worry for the night, the first song had no mistakes for me personally this time and the structure was near enough the best it could be. Air catcher maybe included the only noticeable mistake going into one of the verses where I played for an extra bar, it wasn’t the worst mistake that could of happened but it wasn’t good, however it wasn’t a show ending mistake, so I carried it on without making it look like something went wrong, the song in the end was alright and other than me the band had it tight, feeling good went maybe as good as we could of done, there was no mistakes, and the structure for me went perfect, I didn’t mess up the ending parts like I had done previous, and it was the same for adventure of a lifetime, where I had messed up a lot before I had it down and didn’t mess up the stops and the breakdown.