
This here was my first attempt at mixing. what I did to start off with was remove unwanted audio and fixed the timing between the guitars and drums. Once this was done I was then ready to mix. firstly I looked at the instrumentation and decided what I was going to do, looking at the drums I thought the bass drum was really weak, so I went into the EQ and boosted the drum to make it more prominent. with the bass drum I thought the actual bass itself was overall weak so I improved that too. The guitars also required some improvements. I added different effects to 2 of the guitars, including reverb and phat effects, I then beefed them up with some amps, the apms really made the guitars sound better, and a-lot closer to the actual song. Finally the last main part that needed tweaking was the singer, so I added a little reverb to make it sound a bit fuller. Overall I’m happy with the mix, but it obviously could have been better, I feel like I could have done the the singer a bit better and control the volume a little more. I did however add some automation, which made it sound a little better, but even from the begging and other projects I always seem to keep the instrumentation too loud.

For my own songwriting and mixing task, I’ve approached it the same way I did sex is on fire. This was mainly supposed to be recording and little to no midi, but it was a last minuet decision to have the drums midi and not record them. I also added another midi track to just thicken the texture a little because I thought it needed a little more to it. When starting the project I went full in with a cringy Christmas sounding tune, but in the end thought it was too much so I mellowed it out, and turned it onto a more ambient track. starting the mix with me being really picky with stuff, I had to try at least get the chords on the recorded piano exactly on beat, as well as the piano , I had to tweak the bass a slight bit,