
In our first performance practice together it came together rather well considering it was only an hours worth of practice. As a group I feel like we need to reherse our intro, aswell as create a proper outro for the song.

In the first recording above, I messed up a few times , not enough to ruin the song, but well enough to be noticed. My personal goal is learning the structure of the song, to realise when to be quieter and louder, and when to keep time , as that’s what all slipped my mind, also learning to control my dynamics as well, as I tend to be quite loud, because that’s what i tend to do.

in this rehearsal we improved on the dynamics, tempo and structure , i personally had one little slip up on structure a minute and half in, but not that noticeable, as a band it was much tighter than the peer performance and i also feels as a band were gaining a bit more confidence in rehearsals and performing.

here we tried a new song, for our first recording overall it wasn’t too bad considering we hadn’t had too much practice, as a band the structure was off a little bit and the singer didn’t seem too confident in their singing, personally i messed up the structure again, i know the beats i have to play. its just learning when to play, and when to drop out.

for our third song on our set list we choose californiacation, it wasn’t too hard of a song too learn for all of us, but obviously it did require some minor tweaking, as a band it sounded good and tight considering this was filmed after only a few run throughs of the song. Personally, for once i had the structure close to being right, and only a few more practices after this we had the song a bit tighter, finally the cherry on top was Jons singing.

this is us as a band rehearsing the beginning and the end of each song.

again another rehearsal of californication, just the same with minor improvements.

this was a little uncomfortable for the group as a whole, playing yet not at the same time, personally i felt fine but this little exercise was just to improve confidence for us all, and to be fair it does a little bit.