
In my proposal I wrote that I intended to create a piece that would perfectly show the “parallel between who I was raised to be and who I am.”. I responded to this by creating a piece that is slightly different to what I had originally planned out but kept the same ideas regarding the materials that I was planning to use in the piece. My idea has changed since my proposal from being a piece that shows a parallel life of myself to having a more personal experience dealing with understanding another language, that language being my native language. I changed the initial idea because when I was coming up with thumbnail sketches, I felt more of a personal connection with this idea and decided to go with that one. The successes in my project were the mood boards and the mark making I did to develop ideas. What worked well were the darkroom prints. What didn’t work well was the screen print workshop. This is because I didn’t have a plan for it beforehand and so I didn’t get to complete this to the fullest. My working methodology was thought out well and timed perfectly to be able to finish everything on time. I set weekly deadlines for myself so I got each workshop and task done leaving enough time to develop and complete my final piece without rushing. The message I am communicating connects with the materials by using green and white paint to represent the flag of Pakistan. What influenced my final outcome was the darkroom and using henna, both were my favourite parts of this project so I had to include the design I used for darkroom in my piece. The message of the piece is personal to me and meaningful to others that grew up not knowing their native language and find it difficult to communicate with their family members that only speak Urdu. I carried out multiple forms of research such as artist research and conducting primary and secondary research. I researched about two artists that originated from Pakistan and created art that related to the culture. The primary research was on me and things I like, and the secondary research was on Pakistan and Pakistani girls. The research impacted the outcome of my ideas and final piece by challenging me to delve into topics more deeply through a minimalistic perspective, basically presenting things in a simple method to cause an impactful, thought-provoking statement through my work. My final piece has no face and it reminded me a lot of Rene Magritte’s painting of the man with the apple covering his face. For my final major I would like to explore themes to do with people in the area surrounding minimalism and facelessness. This is because I find it interesting looking beyond the body or face of someone and in art, I can experiment with displaying emotions of people without conveying them through facial expressions.