This is a mind map where I thought of the different things that can be linked to memories.
This mind map is of my chosen concept for this project.


These are mood boards of primary and secondary images I collected that link to my memories of my old house.



These are the different layers I made to make this.

A key thing that inspires Alana is nature.

This is my transcription for Alana Dee Haynes. To make this I used procreate and drew over parts of the house. I used some of her designs and added my own style by using South Asian henna designs in some places. I am satisfied with how the outcome of this transcription however it could have been better if I used other colours other than black and white. Due to Alana’s inspiration I included flowers.

I made marks with objects from my childhood. I used a marble, ice-cream screwball spoon, a pebble, a toy snake and a action figure. I dipped each object into different coloured paints and dragged it along the page to create marks.

This workshop was to create the same image but in different perspectives/styles. This task was helpful because it gave me an insight on what to consider in my work and final piece.

This was a peer assessment I did of my classmates work.



I conducted additional research to do with clay and incense sticks to gain a better understanding of what I am going to be using to create my final piece.

To start with the planning of this piece I made rough blue prints of the house.

I started off by making a prototype out of wooden lollypop sticks and a hot glue gun so that I could gain some accurate measurements when it came to building the actual house out of clay.

The first thing I made out of clay was the dish to go under the house.

The original plan had a round dish but I changed my mind and thought it would be better to use as less clay as possible so it wouldn’t be too heavy and having the house on top of that dish would make it too heavy so I didn’t go through with that idea. Also once I had made the house out of clay everything had increased by a cm or two so it didn’t fit into the dish anymore.

I started off by using chicken wire to build a frame of the house and so when I started applying the clay it would make a good support so that it would not fall apart or flop.

Once I was done with with all four walls and the floor I made a little piece for the stick to go into.

I then moved onto the roof. Starting off with chicken wire this time making sure to leave an opening for the stick to go through and so the smoke can exit out the chimney easily.

I built the fireplace that the incense stick will go behind.


This is the final product after being painted and coated with a top coat.
This is it from the side.

This is it from the back.
This is the inside.

This is the fireplace.
Overall I am happy with how this came out though it could be better as it was slightly rushed but I’m still proud of my efforts to make this as it was way out of my comfort zone. I added a black outline to the bricks and details of the house to give it a 2D effect and implement my art style. It would have been better if I used more materials so that it didn’t come out as lumpy as it has but I also think it adds character to the house as it was my childhood home. Its imperfect shape gives it a childish feel to it.