Write Up Ideas

. ’30s Blues – History, Famous musicians e.g. BB King, Robert Johnson they were a hand full of famous blues musicians, Chords, origins, instruments e.g. Saxophone’s, trumpets, guitars, drums, bass. Sources I will use include books, websites, news stories and videos. I picked blues because blues is a song genre I have always been interested to know its origins and the famous people that sing the blues.

. ’90s R&B – History, Origins, chords, Famous musicians e.g. Mark Morrison, Tupac Shakur, Luniz, instruments e.g. Drum machines, 808 bass, synths and vocals, Sources Books, news story’s, websites and videos. R&B is a genre that has adapted from music blues the sound of ’90s R&B was really distinctive to me than the most recent sound. Growing up in early 2000s new music came but the most distinctive form me would have been the R&B from the last decade and the conflict between the artists and the different areas they where from and how there was a conflict about it.

. ’60s Jazz – History, Origins, Chords, Famous musicians e.g. Miles Davis, Louis Armstrong and Cab Calloway, Instruments e.g. piano’s, trumpets, saxophone, drum kits, guitars, bass. Sources News story’s, websites, videos. Jazz was a really hard genre to come around to because of its vast beginnings but there are many ways of how and where it was started. Jazz for me was something I would just put on and not take too much into it but when I was growing up I got more into Cab Calloway and Frank Sinatra and I really enjoyed there music and to here what it meant to them was fascinating to find out about from the chords to its origins.

. ‘2010s – 2020 POP – History, song structure e.g. Verse, pre-chorus, chorus, verse, pre-chorus, chorus, outro. , famous musicians e.g. Taylor Swift, Madonna and Ed Sheeran. Sources for this I will look at videos, interviews, news story’s and websites. Music started to get more good the more I grew up and listened to the songs of my youth and for me to understand it and continue to listen to it more and appreciated it more.

. ’60s – ’70s Soul – History, origin, famous musicians e.g. Sam Cooke, Marvin gay and Stevie wonder, instruments e.g. Big bands, piano’s, guitars, bass and brass. The sources I will look at our news story’s, websites, videos. Soul was something I was interested in because of the link with gospel music. My dad got me into soul music through Sam Cooke and Stevie Wonder I remember hearing there voices and I really liked how they sounded and wondered what Soul music meant and where it came from.

. the late ’70s – early ’90s Classic rock – Inspiration, Famous musicians, chords, instruments e.g. Bass guitar, electric guitar, drum kits and vocals, song structure Verse, pre-chorus, chorus, verse, pre-chorus, chorus, outro. the sources I would use to find information would come from news articles, websites, music, interviews and videos. The classic rock era was a long and popular time in music and finding out what made it popular would be good to find out. I wasn’t a big fan at first for this genre, but when kids my age would take an interest in it I wanted to see what was so interesting about it and found a some really good music that had stories about them and helped me take interest in music for the stories and the clever instrumental.

. Promotion – Ways of promotion?. Helpful ways of promotion?. Most effective ways of promoting social media?. Newspaper, posters, word of mouth and audio recordings. Sources websites, videos. I never really was good at promotion I don’t really have a high number of followers or know a lot of people or if they where interested in college musicians but if it helps me understand and helps find people easier that follow the same interest.

. Mixing – Purpose of mixing, what you do when mixing?. What is mixing?. What is EQ what is the purpose of compressors?. Sources websites, music, videos. I have always liked composing music and producing it and the next step is mixing music I will gladly find out how to mix properly and helps fix the minor detail to help the major project.

. Music philosophy what does music mean to some people?. How does music speak to the listeners? How does a musician make music that appeals to their desired audience? Sources videos, websites, news articles, music articles, music. The meaning of music can be different from other people and I have always liked to faked that if everyone had the same taste in music then musicians would have billions and billons of views and listeners but with other people having different preferences in music I want to know what people like and what there favourite songs mean to them.

History of music – What is the furthest point of recorded music and what did it sound like?. Is there any popular songs out today that sound like old music?. How was music recorded then and now?. Sources websites music articles, music, videos, interviews. I have been told that music goes way back the it was around way before we have started documenting what was new and what was at its hight at the time but I want to see if I can find the latest pieces of music that was documented and what it was.

The Death of Disco – How did disco die?. When did Disco die?. Was there a political reason for its downfall?. Sources Websites, books, videos, news articles, music articles. Disco music was really influenced throughout the ’70s but just died and there records where burnt up, I want to find out what caused its downfall and it why, and if there was any thing at play for it to be abandoned by so many. Disco musics downfall was always a mystery to me because it was a big breath of fresh air for a lot of people who hid there sexuality and was scared to show how they really felt but disco music helped shake the tree of the openness of dancing with the same sex person and be in an open relationship with the same sexed person and then once people felt comfortable living how they want with disco being around and they can be what ever they want then all of a sudden disco was being criticised and disco musicians would face criticism by people I always thought that is was the work of homophobes not liking the fact that people of the same sex cant be with each other and it was a sin and they tried to shut it down to stop the sinners but I want to know what really is at play there and see what really helped with discos downfall.