Final project – Week Eight

Monday – After the Easter holiday we had been told that we had three weeks left to finish our songs make them sound finished make the graphics and release them so everyone was ready to get their project finished.

I had a lot to do. I first had to form my song into a structure and add some more instruments to make the song feel more full, then I had to make lyrics and record vocals, once all the songs are done I have to make the graphics. This looks like a lot but most of it can be done in a day or lessons like the structure and graphics and the lyrics and recording vocals should be done within two separate days depending on how long it will take to make and record vocals

Wednesday – for this lesson I listened back to my work and talked with John about the best move after that we decided that. Wednesday was just looking at what I need to do than trying to execute that.

Thursday – I didn’t do any practical work until the afternoon when Nick listened to my track after reviewing the song we had to rearrange the structure for more of a pop song structure then we lade out the song in the structure and decide that the next week we are going to have to make the vocals and lyrics than it’s just mixing and mastering for the showcase



. I had hit a wall with where I was tacking my project but I looked at where I did well which was my first song and decided for the best that I should continue with that one and leave the second one.
. I now have a structure that makes sense and is appropriate for a pop song .


. Even though I made good headway in my song I still needed to pick up the digital space work that I had been slacking on.

My first song has come along way I have placed it in a solid structure and added more textures with adding a Tamborine and clicks to the bridge and final verse to make it sound finished and different.

After the Easter holidays I have decided for the best to abandon my second song. I had thought about what I will do about adding a new part but I could make it any better without copying what I did on my first song.

Over the Easter break I had improved bits of my digital space work and added some minor details in some evaluations and research.

It was wise to change my decision on my project I had made good leeway into one of my songs so it was an obvious choice to ditch the song which wasn’t even at the bridge yet to the one I feel more inclined to finish. That’s what I did in the morning but in the afternoon I worked out the song structure of my main song and added some tambourines to my bridge to try and change up the song and show that this is different from the rest of the song.

Wednesdays are the shortest days of the week so there’s not a lot I can do. Mostly I just do my digital space work as I can’t get into the music but, after Monday’s session, I wanted to add more details after the tambourines and so I recorded in some clicks and after I finished doing them I raised the reverb all the way to completely drowned out the clicks but it adds some nice sounds which fit the music. This was one technique I learnt messing around on garage band and I have tried to use it since like a trademark.

Thursday morning I just refined some digital space work but Nick all morning went to check work people’s work and said he would check mine in the afternoon. After I got back in from lunch Nick went to look over my work and saw how I structured my work and had to change all of it so we restructured my song and added a quiet part in the song where we suspended the drums for two bars to add some tension which was needed and made the song better.