Final Project – Week Five

Monday – On Monday I had a friend come and play the guitar for my second song at first we had a rough start but by the end of the morning and afternoon session, we had something we can work on in his spare time. Along with this, I also managed to take a look for some production books to help me find different methods to use, I have yet to find one I like but I will continue to look as I get closer to finishing my songs to use them.

Wednesday – On Wednesday because of the short time limit of the lesson I thought it best to just stick to the research side of my project and look into books in the E-library with the help of John to find some books on production techniques I have found many helpful techniques in music production but not for the right genre still useful information

Thursday – All morning I looked for more techniques in music production but came up short I started to realise that there are only a hand full of helpful insights but nothing else I need to look somewhere else because everywhere I look its the same link with the same advice but it just doesn’t seem to help maybe I could find some help during Easter break but as of right now I have nothing



I have managed to add some more techniques to my first song and have made it up to the bridge. The song is sounding more full.


I wanted to record a guitar riff and melody, we made a guitar riff but it didn’t sound right so we had to abandon it and continue the song without the guitar.
. I cant seem to find new research ideas that fit the style of music I plan on making.
. My second song is lagging behind my first song I still need to find an instrument to replace my guitar or if I’m just going to use a piano and no other main instrument.

My first song has made it past the bridge now so it’s downhill from now in that song and all I need to do is structure the song and add further detailing to my song with a new secondary melody and adding a better bridge part to go with the main melody.

I tried adding a guitar part for my second song but I didn’t like how it sounded with the other instruments so I abandoned it and tried thinking of a better main instrument.

My digital space work has improved. My research had got better but I still need to be more descriptive with how I am going to use my research.


In Monday’s session I had the help from Ethan to try and help develop my second song as I had work from home and felt that the song needed a guitar and my project was intended to be a collaborated task we found a god riff but now we just need to think about his entrance through out the rest of the song.

On Tuesday I threw all my time on research I have made some improvements in the appearance of my research pages and now have a neat system organising between lyric writing and songwriting some research I have found will look good in my music and some I will consider.

Back in on Wednesday I made some more leeway with my first song after pushing it back for a while with fixing my research page I need to push for a finished bridge and after that maybe have a look to se if I could refine any little bits of the song so far maybe tweak the bass line or add a minor change of the drum loop to make it sound different signifying change.

In Thursdays lesson I searched the E library after Johns request I couldn’t find anything of significants so I just searched for help and new ideas in the afternoon I tried sing the research from the moring to good use and maybe help with more expression on the main piano melody.