Strength’s and weaknesses

since September after joining college I have done 3 out of 5 projects all three I have felt that when I was doing them I felt like I was doing something out of my comfort zone but it is something I have been thinking that I did need a kick to do it because if I want to pursue music I need confidence and I won’t get that by being a wallflower. And I think it is safe to say that I did come out of my shell and am feeling a bit more confident then I was at the start.

Project 1 – This was the first project in college before I knew anyone I was thrown in a group of people I didn’t know and felt alone and not knowing anyone didn’t help my nerves but I think after we had to perform in front of the class I was very nerves but I knew that everyone was in the same boat but others had done it before and it was still nerve-racking but in the end, I am happy about doing it and happy about the progression I got to from it.

Project 2 – For this project, I felt like I had gained some amount of confidence from project 1 and I think it helped me find the courage to make the song I did and with the knowledge, I gained from having the music theory lessons on Thursday’s it helped me when making music in Sibelius but in logic, I already knew what to do because of my previous use on garage band from my GCSE so everything I did was already learnt from previous lessons but using logic was a breath of fresh air and I did enjoy using it.

Project 3 – Due to the recent events with the coronavirus we have been put under tier 4 lockdown and therefore we have to be put online and instead of a studio and songwriting project it is now an at-home songwriting project I have been given a task of songwriter and lyricist.