7/10/21 – Yesterday we had a practice run-through which went ok the band could hear each other and we could hear the band but throughout some performances, new instruments was introduced that we didn’t know about until the last minute causing us to rush around and fix something we have just been handed and expected to fix it but we accept it as a test to see if we can think on our feet as sound managers.
I need to make a list about who will be in the band what instruments they all play how many need mics and how we can fix the transition to make them more efficient, I was thinking of using the lights but that would mean doing it in the dark but we can use the desk to play some music to show this is a transition to the next band please wait we could turn the gain up and listen to the mic thought the headphones then turn up the faders for the audience to hear them.
The only thing that would need work is getting everything out, setting up the microphones and setting the levels which should take 30-40 minutes but for us, it takes just shy of one hour then we have to set the levels of the band which is also draining away time.
Each band plays differently so we have to adjust the levels for each band but we don’t have the time for the drummer to play the kit to set the levels for it and then play the songs.

13/10/21 – (EVALUATION) Today we had our first and last mock and me and lewis was tested on managing sound. We had to take turns who would take control of the desk while the other waited for the next band and solo act.
It was challenging but with a little help from lewis, I managed to do two bands and two solos while successfully transitioning to the next act. I would say the most difficult part of the task was making sure the band could hear each other normally I would get a nod or an indication to turn up or down a specific.
We were recorded during the set-up until the end of the showcase. I had many mistakes when transitioning but other than that I would say I did an excellent job whenever we couldn’t hear something I successfully turned it up to a satisfactory level.
Now that I have finished my sound evaluation I have been retired from sound and have been set on Lighting, I haven’t used the lighting panel or know how to use them but I have a couple of hours to learn before the showcase, I am nervous but I am confident in my ability to adapt and believe I will do a good job.
(Photos of some of the shortcuts and cheat sheets I used for the role)