Songwriting research

Website I got the idea from:
LANDER, 2021. 18 Ridiculous Songwriting Tips That Actually Work. [online] LANDR Blog. Available at: <> [Accessed 24 March 2022].

1. Learn a new scale
This technique was something I learned whenever I get stuck with one song, I would go off and make a song with a different key and try to come up with a new chord progression melody and harmonies. Almost all the time I can make it up to the bridge but end up getting stuck there and go back to my last song for inspiration which fixes that block.

I used this to encourage new ideas and push my creative impulses.

Another way this could be useful is by finding different routes by creating new routes in music-making.

Website I got the idea from:
Gary Ewar, 2013. Writing Instrumental Music – Do the Same Principles Apply?. [online] The Essential Secrets of Songwriting. Available at: <> [Accessed 24 March 2022].

2. Cinematic moment
I have used this technique before but when using it I always manage to put an image to my music then I can maybe use that image for inspiration for lyrics or even a concept for an EP e.g. a three-song EP around the night cycle, the first song will be a sunset, then the second song will be the night and the third can be dawn.

I used this to help create a stronger balance between what makes an idea a good one or a bad one but to try all routes and express what the moment feels to the listeners or viewer.

website I got the idea from:
Zakaria Kiadi, 2022. Songwriting Tips: 16 Techniques That Actually Work. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 24 March 2022].

3. Capture your ideas
Capturing my ideas was a technique I gathered early on it has always been easy for me to get a voice recording of a piano melody or a guitar lead and save it down for me to look through later when I need it.

This could be used to help with different ideas and not get stuck on a bad idea while you can look through your archive.

4. Keep it simple
This technique is easier said than done a lot of the time I always think more is better but sometimes coming up with more can be a lot and the original idea is hard enough already but little textures in music can go a long way and is something I always want to try and accomplish.

This could be used to help people who want to start out and feel overwhelmed by the way professionals write so descriptively.

5. Learn music theory
Music theory has helped a lot even knowing the basics can help make an alright song knowing major and minor scales helps a lot when making a chord progression or even improvising.

I used this to get an idea of the type of music I want to make.

Another way this technique could be used is, to know what comes next in a sequence of chords without asking or looking it up.