Song analysis

Song analysis is looking into songs and breaking it down and looking at how the producer made them and how the lyricist wrote them, the song we were analysing was a song written by Billie Eilish and produced by her brother finneas, the song in question that I had to analyst was bellyache.

When going through the song, I found that a lot of Bille Eilish songs where straightforward melody’s which for how big they are which can come to a shock when you look at there path to being recognised all over the world.

The lyrics written by Billie seem pretty farfetched for her age at the time about love songs but there are some lyrics she rights that show that she does not care about pleasing others with the lyrics she writes which I think is a good way to write music you write the lyrics you want to write and don’t care about what others think about it just as long as you love doing it which I admire.