Set list

On Friday 25th September, we were given our groups/bands and a song with the keyword being somebody I was placed as guitarist in band 1 along with Niall who was on drums Faith was vocals, Josh, on bass and Edgars was on the keyboard for me this was the first time being in a group/band with people I never knew, That whole weekend I practised the song using bar chords thinking I was the next Eric Clapton and on that Monday I arrived at college ready to prove my worth to show that I was good at guitar the minute I picked up the guitar and was told to play a C chord and I tried to play the c bar chord nothing rang out I was so embarrassed, then I was told to use open chords which I then found it easier to manoeuvre and play since then I have been playing the song with open chords instead of using bar chords

After we played our first song in front of are piers for the first song on the following Monday we were given another song to play and perform in the live steam which was creep by Radiohead after we got told what are song was I went into the individual practice room and learned how to play it after that Josh and Edgars (bass and keyboard players) came into the room i was practising in and we played the song up to the chorus and then we met up with the band in the live room and went thought to song up to the point where we got stuck or when Faith forgot her lines, but by Wednesday we had already got a rough idea on how to play the song so creep is the fastest song we learn and the easiest for me and for this one I tried using bar chords again and actually did pretty good with now. For this song, there are parts when the guitar gets distorted and plays loud and then goes back to normal again so to save time I got to use a foot peddle for the first time which was a fun experience I now know how to set them up and use them know