
Context – Excellent – For me, I think the context was the easiest part of the project because the guitar part was the easiest part because we recycled the part from an old task

Research – Good – there wasn’t much research to this project so I don’t think I could be tasked with a lot of it but with the other task’s I think the research I did was adequate.

Practical skills – Excellent – This project was a very practical heavy project, and it was a pretty big stretch because it was all online so it was a little harder, but I think we all made a valiant effort to do our best.

Evaluation and reflection – Good – On Wednesdays, I have guitar lessons and in those lessons, my teacher sometimes helps me with the song and showing me different directions I could take the guitar part. I did record some audio and sent them via Instagram group chat with the band and in Microsoft teams

Overall grade – Excellent – Overall I think I did a good job in this project it was difficult doing it all online but knowing that I am working from home I felt more comfortable and less pressured because I am not in an environment that feels pressuring like being in college with a high demand of everything and not being able to have some time to my self the work I didn’t make me feel nervous but excited to see what I can do next to help the group and had fun doing it.