
The song we performed was Use Somebody by Kings of Leon. I was on guitar Faith was on vocals Niall was on drum Josh was on bass and Edgars was on keys

Week one

This was the first time we performed live in front of our peers and in front of a camera, we were far from perfect during that performance we were relatively in tune everybody tried there best to keep in time and follow the singer through the song

On the first day of performing the song as a band with each other, I tried to play the song using bar chords I was having trouble doing the bar chords so Nick told me to try open chords I found this approach much easier and I continue to try to learn bar chords but for now, I will play open chords I have been keeping time with the drummer and I do make mistakes with some of the chords but I do get back into full stride after. the band sounds good the bass is in tuned and on beat, the drummer is sounding good the pianist is there the singer has a strong voice and I am trying my best but we do have some weak points, for example, some of the points we have to work on is communication as a band but we all have some work to do between us the singer needs to be louder, the drummer needs to keep in time, the bass needs to be a bit quieter, the pianist needs to be louder and I need to be quite as well.

Week two

In the next week, we were given another song to practice and learn before we perform it live this time it was much easier because the Band is building chemistry and we are getting used to each other we are even talking amongst are selves to find different ways to improve our last live performance, in my opinion, I think we all learnt creep faster the use somebody which I think we all weren’t expecting but all found quite good about, I have also noticed that some of the band members whos instrument they play isn’t there best but they have really gotten better at playing it, Guitar is not my first instrument but I have about one year of experience playing now so playing bar chords were kind of rough but I can play them I do need to improve on how I place my fingers though so that will be the next thing I need to practice as well as standing up and playing but I have been told its a different art form in its self so I will have to be taught that next as well.

Week 3

On this week I think that this was the most confident we have been when we performed both of the songs but it was new to us when we had to play both songs back to back it was a challenge but I think we had a good transition but we still need to work on some point where we sped up at times but other then that I think we did pretty good since we started both songs 3 weeks ago.

In this week we had a live performance which was quite new and I think that we all had a pretty bad time at it but It was the first time we recorded with a premise of it being an actual a live recording when hundreds of people could be listening which does seem unsettling but it will happen so there is no way in fighting it