Indie Influences

As I had made the change from creating and R&B song I decided to save time I would go back to my roots and create something I am a little more comfortable with and something I have a had prior experience with making so I went back to Indie music.

With this change, I had to find some new influences and styles so I began to search through Spotify and youtube but that didn’t help. It wasn’t until I watch a TV show called euphoria that I heard a song called ” Work ” by Charlotte Day Wilson and I was hooked.

Her tone of the song sounds so sad with her use flats and 7ths her chords are Bbm, Ab, Db and F7 this gives the song a more dead sound but the way she uses the organ to sustain the chords for so long adding tension and slow release draws you in and her vocals sound down and low but more of a relaxed tone as well as her haunting harmonies this matched with her simple repeating lyrics sound mesmerising.

I didn’t want to copy everything about this song as I already had a chord progression and I liked where the song was going I did use little influences from it in my track.


Day Wilson, C., 2017. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 27 May 2022].