The first proposal for my project goal
Proposal Rap up
In my final project, I will be making a 2 song EP like the one I did last year but with vocals on both songs. I have been researching lyric writing as it is something I haven’t done yet but hope to test out in the project.
The project will revolve around my producing but also working with other musicians In my class, like singers and other instrumentalists mainly guitarists but I could get some insight from bass players. As I want to work as a producer so I feel that working with people is a technique I should get used to early to give me an advantage and gain confidence in asking people to help me and put me first.
I want to make a song in the style of R&B with elements of EDM. This is a genre I haven’t worked on before and will offer a clean and different view on something I haven’t done before to help challenge me in music production so I don’t get used to one thing and I can broaden my horizon in music so I don’t get bored of no challenge. But on the other hand, working on a different genre could pose some a problem with time, as I would need to learn how to produce in a new genre, as well as, working with two genres with R&B and EDM so I would need to think about looking into both before the time starts and gain some understanding with both if that’s what I want to do.
Slides from my PowerPoint presentation Video

Adam | – Target audience should be more specific. – Could mention practical skills. – could research more things. | 1. I didn’t want to pinpoint the target audience because the lyrics have yet to be made so narrowing it down to a specific age so early in the project would limit what could be written. 2. I could have, I must have missed it. 3. I didn’t want to lay down all of my research and go over them one by one to save time. |
Isaac | – Split the target audience more. – didn’t name inspirations/genres. – may need a break (easter) | 1. I didn’t want to pinpoint the target audience because the lyrics have yet to be made so narrowing it down to a specific age so early in the project would limit what could be written. 2. I named two artists as my inspirations, the genre I mentioned was RnB 3. I think the weekends will b a good enough rest if I don’t work over easter it could cost me the details in my song. |
Abi | – Use videos and audio to show your musical inspirations. – Mastering? | 1. I could have but for time’s sake I didn’t. 2. I have been looking at ways to do that and I like the idea of getting in contact with Ben our old trainee tutor to master the track. |
Millie | – give more in-depth of the project. – Genre? | 1. I could have but I had to keep how long I was taking in mind. 2. I mentioned RnB. |
Thomas | – Could you not write your own lyrics as the project is songwriting? – Not as detailed in some areas. | 1. I could but I want to work with people to do that to make the task more collaborative than a single or guitarist 2. I could have refined it and then presented it on Thursday but decided to go ahead and present than to get it out of the way |
Tia | Specific specialities (Collaborators, Platforms, etc) | 1. I will be collaborating with singers lyric writers bass players and guitar players, the platform I plan to release on will be youtube. |
“Any collaborators”
“What is the main focus song witting or production”
“You said you didn’t want to rely on people but you going to have to with the lyrics”
“You hope to finish the songs at week eight but also you need to think about mixing and mastering”
- I have thought about using someone in class to help sing and with the instrumentals but I remembered that last year I saw vocal cues and hook vocals I might be able to use those as the only lyrics and make it an instrumental heavy track.
- my main focus is songwriting through production making the instrumentals and worrying about the lyrics second.
- Yes it is a very confusing statement but I want to depend on myself with writing the instrumentals on logic but need collaborations on singing playing and instrument or lyric writing and mixing and mastering
- That is fair I did just make that slide that same hour I presented it, I understand it does need work.
I wasn’t sold on presenting on Monday I had hoped to maybe do it on Thursday instead but I had already been near enough to have been finished before we started presenting but I still thought I needed more time to check over what I did and needed yet to do but I knew that on Thursday I would be more prepared to do it but I would have rather had it over and done with on Monday then wait and worry. After the presentation, I did feel better but I also knew that it would be better if I had waited and prepared I did mess up my words and missed out a lot.