Project Evaluation of project 2

At the start of the project, I was going in thinking about how I can get better at the context and research only because of how I finished off the last project just getting a satisfactory grade and passing the project but wanted to get a better grade throughout the projects to prove that am learning and improving each time I go on the next project.

One of the software’s we were using in this project was Sibelius and we had to create our own score for a moving image video this wasn’t the first time using Sibelius but it wasn’t my favourite thing to use but in the end, I think I did really good in my project and am proud with how it ended the most difficult part was finding the chords that I liked and how I wanted my score to look and sound like this didn’t pose as much as a challenge when I thought more about the chords I was given and worked with them the best I could, you can see my progress through PDF files, and what I was thinking hen making this score on the Sibelius work page.

The other software we used was called Logic Pro X, this was by far my favourite out of the two to use because of the freedom and to not be pressured by using the right notes to use and where to put them. Once we started we I did like how I had to think of what I wanted to do and where I wanted to take my music and thought about making it into the ’80s like the song so I knew I had to use drums bass and synths which was fun to use because I play the piano but I have always looked at the synth as an instrument as a different thing but once I had a mess around on it I found it pretty easy to use. We also learnt how to mix and use some of the programs on Logic as well we also mixed a song covered by the Umbrellas and what it was like to edit and play around with the EQ on live sounds to make them sound more of a professional feel to them, you can see my progress through screenshots and me explaining what I was thinking at the time on my Logic Pro work page.

In the project other than working on computers with producing we also had classes with Ben and Joel about the way music changes throughout the decade and the different style of music that was expressed through the different time periods, I really did like the concept of this idea and I found it really fun and interesting, and I learnt a lot from it like the ideas behind the music and how it was produced, and in Joel’s lesson, we were told about the music critical listening.

On the accessional Thursday, we would be in the green room and we would learn about the circle of 5ths and their relative minor and what makes a song good using the specific chords and most of the time there’s at least one minor chord in a major song this was a good lesson some was confusing but it all ways makes sense in the end and I do try and use it in my work if it fits in.

The grade I think I will get-

Context – Good – the reason why I think I will get that grade is that I think that I improved from the last project because I have more control over my project.

Research – Good – I think I got a Good grade is because I have researched a lot more and have told where I got my photos from and some of my ideas and a mixture of some idea I found off there.

Practical skills -Excellent – It wasn’t the first time for me at producing on software like Sibelius and Logic Pro X and it was fun using it again so I think with the experience I had I think I did well.

Evaluation/reflection – Good – when I take screenshots I have Evaluated what happened on that screenshot and when I take the photo’s I label the day I took it and on the days where we had to talk about what happened in certain decade whether it being something about music or history on what happened and the fashion in that era I think I have thought that out well and wrote some good explanation.