Project evaluation of project 1

For this project, we had to learn two songs that we have never learnt before these songs being, use somebody by kings of Leon and creep by Radiohead we had been given 3 weeks and 5 days to learn those two songs. for this song we had to perform a two-set live show performance, I can’t lie there has been some point to this project where I have been pushed out of my comfort zone but I believe that I adapted quite quickly which was very surprising but I think that all these points were I have been pushed is only helping me to be a better musician and adapted to the music industry there has been times when before playing the show I have been looking for the closest exit but my nerves and my dignity would let me go but after the show I enjoyed it I was debating to ask if I could have a solo but it personally has been a life-changing experience for me at least the little guitar play

I have learnt a lot from all the guitar lessons and times when we had to perform in front of are piers and how to control myself when I started to get a bit nervous to the point when I felt like I could even hold my pick but I battled through it and just thought about what I had to do and when to do it.

As well as practising for a live performance we had to learn how to rig up a live performance and how to use a PA system to control the levels on how loud an instrument is and if it drowns out the vocals or another instrument we also had a chance to perform under the supervision of another band and to give them chance. during this time we also learnt how to set up speakers to be controlled on the PA system, this helped us to know how to set them up in the future if we want to set our own things in the future.

Along with doing work in college I also did some work at home, on some days we would be on call with Nick, Joel or Ben to do some research on different topics like health and safety during a gig or in the studio and different jobs in the music industry.

Overall this project for me helped me get over certain problems them being stage fright and playing music in front of people, I have learnt a lot from this project that will stick to me forever and I am grateful for the opportunities it has brought me and still might give me I have met new people and now know more then I did on my instrument.