personality type

After taking a personality test I ended up being an Advocate and after taking the test I was given a bunch of strengths and weaknesses to look over and see if they are like me and t my surprise they are these are some of the strengths and weaknesses from the test that I agree with.


Creative – I have always found my self to be creative wither its in music or in general I have always seen the trait.

Insightful – I have felt that i can always see what a person might be feeling at the time wither its guilt or lose or the fact that they are just scared of something they don’t want to face in there lives.

Principled – I am a person of very specific belief’s about people and or the bigger picture, and I don’t think I will change my view of things until anything else makes sense.

Passionate – When I believe in something I tend to go all out on them and defend them from people that try and turn my in the opposite way I may not win the debit but I always go back to what I believe in.

Altruistic – I don’t tend to throw anyone down just to get a little bit higher in life it’s just an awful thing to do especially in the music business where one day you could be on top off the charts by pushing everyone out of the way but by next week your back down with them again.


Sensitive to criticism – Whenever I work I always try and give off pride to it and hope that I have done the best I can but when a teacher or a person says it’s not good enough it gets on my nerves and I end up doing something I am not proud of which is defend it but I just don’t have the nerve.

Perfectionist – I always what the best out of my work I believe that if my work is good then it shows it on my character.