Music Theory

On Thursday’s when we are in college we have a four hour lesson with Nick about music theory in these lessons we are learning about notation major and minor chords and how to make a standard song using those chords another thing we have been working on as well is circle of 5th

Circle of fifths - Wikipedia
This is the circle of 5th photo from

we also learnt how to find the scale with any of the notes on a piano the trick to finding them is in the tones and semi tones or Steps and half steps depending on what you are used to for example to find the c major scale you would start at the root note which is C and work your way up going Tone, Tone, Semi-Tone, Tone, Tone, Tone, Semi-tone. and you should get C,D,E,F,G,A,B,C

Whole Tones and Semitones (Whole Steps and Half Steps) In Music
This is how to find the c major scale using full tones and semi tones photo from

Along with the circle of fifths we learned about the notes in a scale (for an example i will be referencing the C major) in the C major scale C would be the root note, D would be D minor, E would be E minor, F would be F major, G would be G major, A would be A minor, B would be Diminish and back to C for an octave.

intervals in C major scale | Piano Theory Exercises
This is the C major scale labelled with there proper name photo from