Mock Interview

On Thursday 13th we went into groups and had a mock interview this was to help us get used to university interviews and job interviews

. Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?

. I really enjoy history I like recounting old history stories.
. I am a hard worker I like working hard to prove my worth to people who depend on me.
. I used to run in athletics tournaments when I was in primary school.

. What are your strengths?

. I don’t give up easy I like giving my all even at the cost of pains
. I am always willing to learn I get enjoyment out of challenges and love getting over them with new information.

. What are your weaknesses?

. I cant do public speaking very well I have stage fright and cant say my words properly sometimes

. How would you peers describe you?

. I think they would say I start off quiet but then open up and they find I am nice and funny

. Where do you see yourself in five years?

. More well informed and have learned from past mistakes to make me a better person and coworker.

. How has your academic training prepared you for a career in this industry?

. I think it has helped in some way on building confidence and push my creativity.

. How do you handle working under pressure?

. I would take a step back and assess the situation and see what needs the most attention.

. Are you willing to work weekends?

. I would rather not but if I will be compensated for it that I would.

. Have you ever had to resolve a conflict when working on a team?

. When I was younger during P.E we played a game where you had to take the other teams rubber hoop and I came up with a plan to use a distraction to lure the enemy team out and send a small group in and take the hoop.

. Do you have any leadership experience?

When I was in primary school I did after school football and one time the good players went off for a tournament while the less good players werent invited so we stay’d and played against a full team of year 5’s and still came out on top winning 12-10.

. Are you willing to attend professional development or additional training?

. Yes I am always willing to learn new information to help me learn and improve.

. What would you do if you you had to complete a task you wee unfamiliar with?

. I would reach out to my coworkers and ask for them to assist me in the task.

. What kinds of people do you work best with? why?

. I like working with everyone but woking with people who follow the same thought proses as me because we can bounce ideas off each other and come up with good ideas.

. How do you ensure you consider equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in the workplace?

. I would respect everyone and think if it makes them happy then who am I to get in the way of them, I think growing up in this day and age with all these doors opening up to so many community is inspiring and growing up in a town like Bradford with a diverse group of people from all different ethnicity and from so many places around the world.