Lyric writing research

The website I got these from:
Zakaria Kiadi, 2022. Songwriting Tips: 16 Techniques That Actually Work. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 24 March 2022]

  1. Reflect on your life experiences
    Writing about an experience I have been through can be tough depending on the route I take but if someone else sings it I could see myself writing about them maybe it helps someone other than me.

    This could be used to find personal lyrics that I may have experienced and others, meaning that the outcome I had could reassure others or help people in the future to think of when in a similar situation.

    Another way this technique could be used is, to show people that they are not alone or out of the ordinary but to know that there are more people like them.

2. Capture your ideas
Every idea I make I write them down in a notebook for ease of use and to know that I could come back to them one day whenever I need them.

This could be used to help if you are stuck or have writer’s block, you can go back to your past work and see if you can recycle your work.

Another way this technique could be used is, to find different melodies i.e. bridges, new courses or an ending epilogue.

3. Write away from your instrument
This is a habit I need to pick up a lot of the time I like to make the song then add the lyrics this narrows down my writing methods and allows me to only write with the melody which is good but sometimes it’s best to break that cycle.

This could be used to this could help focus just on the lyrics and not worry about your lyrics getting stuck on a fixed melody.

4. Diversify your approaches to writing songs
this technique is one I have been meaning to work on for a while now but the idea was too much for me to use maybe now I could use this when writing lyrics.

This could be used to not get used to one technique and learn a number of methods to write different lyrics for different genres of music.

5. Go somewhere else
This technique was one I experimented with but after didn’t give it much thought I may need to try it again to try as last time I didn’t give it much time.

This could be used to use your surroundings to inspire your song and help clear your mind to allow your ideas to flow more naturally than a more forced approche

6. Ask for help
I need to do this technique more. Asking for people’s help is something I am not used to as I would like to do most things myself but I have been told countless times that asking for help with anything could really help your work, especially in music so I will be doing this more often.

This could be used to get insight into your lyrics maybe they can judge your music to help you grow and accept ideas you wouldn’t use.

Websites I got these from:
Andrea stolpe, n.d. How to Write Song Lyrics – Berklee Online Take Note. [online] Berklee Online Take Note. Available at: <> [Accessed 24 March 2022].

7. Start with something you have to say
What seems like the most obvious thing to start with I have a bad habit of just going without any guidance and coming up with something.

This could be used to show a personal understanding with your audience to try and appeal to their pain or trauma.

8. Read lyrics from other bands without their music
Although the lyrics were written by other people seeing where they got their inspiration from and their take on it.

This could be useful to see what a good example looks like and something that could guide you to a better understanding of lyric writing.