This is my first start of a song in the new project, so far I have added the instruments piano, 2 drums (one for the hi hat and the other for the beat) and the bass these are the basics to start of with and to make a song with.

After my first song being a type of pop song i thought i might want to use a synth lead play a riff for 17 bars while on the 9 bar there is a clap on the 2nd and 4th replacing a snare and the bass line playing along the synth but 3 octaves down

The last composition was rushed but i went for more of a tv show theme
I really enjoyed the piece as it was structured well and most of all sounded nice. One of my favourite parts of the song was the short chords that lead to the next. The floor to the floor drum beat was simple yet engaging and filled with energy. Everything seemed to be in time and in order. The design and form of the start has great potential and was very good. Maybe to improve you could try and work on a slightly more advanced bass line if that if possible.
The second one was also very good and creative. The bass line and the synth has very pleasantly sounding notes as the descended and ascended in pitch. The clap on the drum beat was simple yet fit with the song well.