Live sound set up

On Friday we was tasked to set upper a Live performance se we set up a mixing desk and the microphones and keyboards while also setting up the levels for the monitors so the performers get the right levels for there performance.

I maned the Desk and made sure the vocals weren’t clipping or the drums where drowning out the vocals.

This was the first performance that I managed on the mixing deck I had to make sure the band was hearing what they was playing so they can keep up with each other.

this was the second time I maned the mixing deck this time with someone else who will be helping my with sound on the night of the showcase

We had both audio speakers this time that point toward the audience and the 4 monitors for the band and we set up the microphones and connected them to the mixing deck.

Working on the sound while the band play is a hard thing to get used to any thing can go wrong and something did when we was working with a level 3 band, the compressor on the guitar was set up wrong the the bass overloaded the speakers and let out a loud hum but we fixed it and the band played on without any further mistakes.