This time for my Initial assessment I will be producing a lofi track on soundation, the track its self is about 1 minute and 30 seconds long with a verse chorus, bridge and outro with some key changes as well. This track took 4 hours to make because of its small catalogue of lofi sounds.
The task I set my self for this was to work with a genre I am not so familiar with and attempt to make a song more than 1 minute long.
Practical Skills – Good – My Assessment was a lot of managing what went where made sure it was in the same key and in time and it sounded like it was meant to be there so there was a lot of listening and if I listened to a sound and liked the beginning but not how it ended I could cut the end of and use the beginning as a sample.
Evaluation – Satisfactory – I didn’t go into detail about what I did but I explained it roughly and only said what I did and what I changed.