Health and safety

The most important thing about a gig is to try and entertain the crowed and to make sure the fans get what they paid for, but for the members of the band its to keep safe when they perform for there fans.

During a live performance The who’s drummer Keith moon wanted to End the gig by blowing up his drum kit without telling his bandmates what was about to happen.

Peter Townsend was throwing his guitar on the ground in front of the drum kit as the Drums blew up. Keith moon put too much gunpowder in his drums.

Peter Townsend has said that he lost all his hearing in one ear and some in his other, Keith moon ended up with his symbol slicing into his arm.

Playing live might be one thing but there might be hazards in the studio as well for example you might overload the plug sockets or extensions and cause an electric fire which could blow a fuse and leave you in the dark as well, another hazard in the studio could be cable management if there is a cable on their floor and someone couldn’t see it you could go over it and fall not knowing it was there or if a cable has an exposed wire and you go connect it into the wall and grab the part where it’s exposed you could be electrocuted, Another thing that producers make rules about in their studio is the rule about food and drinks if their drinks fell all over the console that could mean dire consequences on their music or a fine.