Guide to the music industry

In the music industry, there are ways to get your music heard everywhere, for example, there are websites called CD Baby and distro kid, these websites help musicians get their talent herd across platforms for labels to hear them and signed them. DistroKid sends your music to different music outlets e.g Spotify, Soundcloud, iTunes and many more this is the same as CDbaby which also provide a helping hand to the musicians like DistroKid.

Back when the Beatles were climbing the charts and Sam Cooke was singing about his Saturday nights there was little talk about copyrighting there own music, nower days people know how to own their rights to there music and can judge who can use it and what they can use this is called Copyright. were record companies can flag someone for using the licenced music without the labels permission or the Bands.

PRS for music and PPL these businesses allow businesses to use their music and give some back to the musicians what they rightfully deserve this helps both musicians and business owners the business owners don’t get copyrighted by the label that owns the rights to the music and the musicians and label gets their cut in the distribution in there music equally.

Public liability insurance covers musicians when something goes wrong for example when you were promised a certain percentage of a song but were never paid in full public liability insurance helps set you up with a lawyer and fight your battles wither its something went wrong when playing a gig or not rightfully paid after a song or a live performance.

Gone are the days where musicians were paid upfront after playing a gig now you need to fill out contracts and invoices musicians have to learn how to fill out invoices, you have to place you name the place where you get your money from and the date of issue you can place your terms and bank details. Contracts are in place to make sure you get what you want out of the deal and to make sure you don’t get the deal you are not promised.