Genre change

Finding out what genre of music I wanted to make took up a lot of time I wanted to make an R&B inspired track but I knew that I didn’t have much knowledge of the subject and that would take up a lot of time trying to learn how to make it. So in the end I decided I needed to stick with a genre that I knew and somewhat understand to make a decent song for my final project.

I would have liked to try something new but to do so would compromise a lot so it was the right choice to go with a Pop inspired song.

I had some inspirations in the R&B genre like Khalid and slenderbodies which were my main inspirations and musicians I want to follow and try and produce like them but one problem was the vocals with R&B the vocals are distinctive and expressive and I was already limited in that department.

Another thing that would be a bit troubling to pull off would be the lyrics a lot of the R&B style is something I am unfamiliar with and wouldn’t be able to pull off successfully or satisfactory.

Creating the instrumentation of an R&B track is a sound I didn’t like I didn’t like how the drums sounded especially since they sound like rap drums but I mainly prefer the melody and the riffs you find in some songs like Slenderbodies they incorporate guitar riffs in their music and it really draws me in and inspires me to use it and try and recreate my own song with their influence.

The problem is with the lack of knowledge I have in creating R&B music, I would have to change and genre so I can keep up with the time limit of the project. I would love to create R&B music later down the line but as of now it would be wise to think about the time I have been given and judge if I want to waist that time learning or create a physical pice of music this project needs.

Slenderbodies, 2018. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 24 May 2022].

Khalid, 2017. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 24 May 2022].