Monday – Monday was a bank holiday so college was not open but I looked through my work and started to fill in what I did in the screenshots I took thought out the project (Final project progress)
Wednesday – On Wednesday I added some more texture to the track by using tambourines in more areas than one this adds more insight into that is the final verse because there is a new element in there to make it sound like the ending.
Thursday – On Thursday I was satisfied with the final product and began to bounce it down for the next week.
. My track was good enough to begin bouncing down my work and get ready for the mixing process.
. I needed to use my holidays to good use instead of doing nothing I could have done more work than I did.
. I wish I could have found more research to add to my producing stage to make the song sound more professional but al the research I found was the same.
I didn’t really get far with my first song this week but I did manage to add some little details and bounced my song down ready for the next week to begin the mix
I did some screen shot work which I have been storing for a while now I described what I did over the weeks.
Monday was a bank holiday I tried to get work in but all I ended up doing was thinking of different texture ideas and maybe adding a big finale by adding something big for the final verse.
Back in on Wednesday and all I did was get things ready to be bounced down and start the mixing process as well as this I added the parts I thought about on that Monday which was to bring all the instruments in from the bridge and play with the instruments in the verse as well to make it sound more full.
Thursday was a big move I started the bounce of my final track to be mixed. All that was left to do was to work with Paul on my graphics for the song. Initially, I wanted a still image of some art like some artwork like childish Gambino’s Redbone which had some unique art attached to the video which caught my eye. After I couldn’t think of anything to match the idea without stealing it I looked too red skies which can be found at dusk, one photo I found was of a skateboarder landing a trick on a decline with the sky really prominent which I really liked. But the defining photo I found which is one I had to replica has of a car dashboard with a driver and passenger the art style looked cartoon-like but the sky looked amazing and I knew I had to replicate it.